About your Library Card
If you: live, work, go to school, or own property in Lincoln Parish, you are eligible for a library card here! Just go to the Check Out Desk with a valid picture ID/proof of current address AND one of the following:
- Proof of residency
- Pay stub or employee ID
- School ID
- or Property tax receipt/title.
Parents can get library cards for their children with one of the below identification items, and the child present. Parents are responsible for all items checked out to their child.
- Report Card
- Insurance Card in child’s name
- Birth Certificate
- Shot record
You could also be eligible if you have a library card at another library in North Louisiana. You would need to go to the Check Out Center with a valid picture ID and a valid library card from your home library. If you would like to know more about this special service, please call the Check Out Center at 318.513.5501.
You are the only person who is allowed to use your card for any library services. You are the only one responsible for all materials checked out with that card, and some materials can be expensive. We encourage everyone to treat their library card like a credit card and be careful to keep it safe.
The first Lincoln Parish Library card is free! Replacement cards are available for $3 each, up to 3 cards. Thereafter, all library cards will cost $15.00. (Approved by the Library Board of Control, 8-24-2017)
A library card is like a credit card for the library. Just as no store would sell something without a valid credit card present, neither can we check out books without your library card. The card holder is the only one responsible for all materials checked out with that card, and some materials can be expensive. This is why it is important for all library users to let us know if library cards are lost or stolen. If you do not have your library card with you, you can buy a replacement card for $3.
Patrons are limited to 50 total check outs. The limits include:
- 50 books
- 50 audiobooks
- 7 DVD’s
- 2 Blu-ray discs
Some special cards have different limits, such as:
- GOAL (Grade One At the Library) cards – 5 items total
- Preschool cards – 10 items total
- University students – 10 items total
The lending time limit for materials checked out is two weeks.
You can renew items if no one else has a reserve on that item. Items can be renewed twice before they must be returned. You can renew items online with your library card, or you may call the Check Out Center at 318.513.5501 for assistance. If you would like help learning to place a reserve online, you may call the Information Kiosk at 318.513.5510 for assistance.
Library cards can also be used to:
- Log in to use library computers.
- Log in to use different research tools, at home or at the library.
- Log in to download different library e-resources, like ebooks, music, DVD’s, or magazines.
- Check out a study room in the library.
- Check out a library hot spot.
If you are not eligible for a library card, you can get a guest pass to use the computers at the Information Desk.
Library cards will be blocked if there are fines totaling $1 or more or if a card is expired. Once fines are cleared or card information updated at the Check Out Desk, you can use the card as normal. If you don’t remember your pin/password for computer and database use, check with the Information Desk to have it updated.

About Fees and Fines
The library has a lot to offer! We are pleased to offer most of our services at no charge. The only things we charge for include:
- Fines/Replacement fees
- Copies/prints
- Faxes
- Replacement cards ($3)
- Headphones ($1)
- Flash drives ($7)
Everything else is free! The library is paid for and supported by the citizens of Lincoln Parish Library, and we pass on these services (and the savings!) to you.
Fines are $.10 per day per item.
We are not able to do fine forgiveness days often, so when we do, we are loud about it! Any upcoming fine forgiveness days will be publicized on our web page, on our Facebook page, or in our newsletter.
- 8.5”x11” (letter) black and white print – $0.10
- 8.5”x14” (legal) black and white print – $0.20
- 11”x17” (ledger) black and white print – $0.20
- 8.5”x11” (letter) color print – $1.00
- 8.5”x14” (legal) color print – $2.00
- 11”x17” (ledger) color print – $2.00
If you need assistance printing or copying, staff at the Information Kiosk will be happy to help with the equipment.
- Local or toll-free faxes – $1.50 per page (not counting cover sheet)
- Long distance faxes – $2.00 per page (not counting cover sheet)
- Received faxes – $1.50 per page (not counting cover sheet)

About Other Services
There are many different areas in the library with study carrels, tables, or comfortable chairs for people to use for reading or studying. If you need a larger area for a group or an area with a little more privacy, we also have study rooms available. Anyone 18 or older with a library card can check out a study room for two hours, which can be extended if no one is waiting. Anyone under 18 must have an adult with them in the room the entire time they use it.
We have free wireless internet access available inside the library as an open network during normal library business hours. Once you have connected, use your browser to accept our Terms of Use to continue. Not all devices are compatible with our wi-fi. If your device doesn’t connect, check with the Information Desk for assistance.
We offer access to the wireless internet in our parking lot 24/7, but can not guarantee the quality of the connection. The spaces in the parking lot closest to the library are better.
You can call the Information Desk at 318.513.5510, and a staff member will help you find your answer.